Dallas Property Crime Defense Lawyer
Legal Help to Protect Your Freedom
Our clients benefit from the skill and experience provided by the Law Office of Patrick J. McLain, PLLC. In practice since 1990, Patrick McLain has handled hundreds of cases in criminal law. The knowledge he has gained over the years allows us to give our clients the strong, professional representation they need to deal with prosecutors.
If you have been accused of a criminal offense involving another’s property, or after an arrest for a property crime, contact us to protect your future, your freedom, and your record.
What Is a Property Crime?
In Texas, property crime refers to stealing, damaging, or destroying another person's property. Property crimes can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies of varying degrees depending on the type of property and the amount of monetary loss to the owner.
Property crimes include many different situations, such as:
- Arson
- Theft
- Embezzlement
- Forgery
- Extortion
- Identity theft
- Money laundering
- Fraud
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Breaking and entering / Criminal trespass
- Credit card abuse
- Credit card laundering
Charges can also include tampering with a government record theft of services, including theft of telecommunications and cable services, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and more.
How Can a Dallas Property Crime Lawyer Help You?
As a former federal prosecutor, Patrick J. McLain has participated in criminal trials on both sides of the aisle and as a trial judge. He understands what goes into creating a successful prosecution, as well as how to counter that in creating a successful defense. We use this experience to help our clients fight against charges of crimes against property.
We might be able to employ a variety of defenses on your behalf. For example, we might be able to argue any of the following in your defense:
- That you had a reasonable belief that the owner gave you permission to enter or use his or her property
- That you did not actually participate in the offense or that you made considerable efforts to prevent it from happening
- That you were threatened or coerced into committing the offense
- That you committed the offense in order to prevent harm to yourself or others
Retaining an experienced Dallas property crime defense attorney is an important part of protecting yourself. Contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss the particulars of your situation. As a distinguished criminal defense firm, we provide the serious defense you need in serious situations.
Call (214) 238-9392 any time to get started. Se habla Español.
“The experience, passion and most importantly the care provided cannot be beaten.”
“I would get consistent phone calls making sure that I was okay mentally, and not letting myself get painted as a number or a problem despite my command's efforts.”- John -
“Best attorney”
“Mr. Patrick McLain equals instant and good results for you. Hiring Mr. Patrick McLain is the best decision I had made throughout my military career.”- Master Sergeant Michael A Heath Jr. -
“A Marine through and through. He is dedicated to taking care of his clients.”
“He is an excellent lawyer who gives his all for you and gets things done. He has a no-nonsense approach that gets you results.”- Scott S. -
“First class lawyer!!!!!”
Patrick saved my career and my life by proxy, he did everything and more you would HOPE for from a lawyer. Patrick is what you need if you want to win your case!- David L. -
“If anyone needs an attorney that will stand with you during your time of trouble, look no further.”
“Patrick has truly become a good friend and if anyone needs an attorney that will stand with you during your time of trouble, look no further. Patrick J. Mclain is this man.”- Child Abuse Client