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Case Results

  • "To Catch A Predator" Case Victory

    Client convicted of online solicitation of minor, conviction overturned by Team McLain. Jury awarded four years’ probation in retrial. Now, McLain works to restore lost military retirement due to earlier conviction.

  • Healthcare Fraud Charges Against Client Never Filed

    Client partnered with Team McLain for years. Despite partner indictments, Client avoided indictment with McLain's guidance. Controlled information flow to prosecutors and client patience key to success.

  • Child Pornography Charge Dismissed in Federal Court

    Client arrested at home, confessed to child pornography possession. McLain secured dismissal of child pornography indictment. Pleaded guilty to obscenity charge, reducing jail time exposure by 75%.

  • Firearm Charges at Airport - Dismissed

    Team McLain boasts a 100% success rate with airport firearms cases—no indictment filed by grand jury. Clients, guided by McLain, produced briefings that prevented indictments, keeping them out of court.

  • Sexual Assault of Girlfriend's Daughter - Jury Acquits On All Charges

    Client, in a long-term relationship with girlfriend, faced molestation allegations from her daughter after a bitter breakup. McLain presented the truth at trial, resulting in a full acquittal by the jury.

  • Charges Dropped in Police Sting after insufficient evidence

    Client avoided entrapment during a police sex worker sting after refusing a proposition. Team McLain secured dismissal of felony and misdemeanor charges, restoring the client's reputation.

  • No Bill Murder Case Dismissed

    Client's self-defense case was handled by Team McLain, securing work and school release with house arrest. Our investigators gathered supportive witness statements. We negotiated fee dismissals and reinstated bond for a smooth pretrial process. The case was dismissed with a No Bill.

  • Sexual Assault on Second Wife's Children - Acquittal On All Charges

    Client accused of molesting second wife's children and assaulting their own child. After a week-long trial, McLain secured a full acquittal. McLain worked with Client to develop a story proving his innocence.

  • Allegations of Sexual Assault on Teenage Stepdaughter - Jury Acquits

    Client, the only father figure for his wife's children for over a decade, faced molestation allegations from the daughter when she chose to live with her biological father.